The preschool booked a special treat for the children – a live stage show. Lionel Robinson presented his show, “Spotty Bear’s Amazing Journey.” The children were invited to participate in the story telling. They were mesmerised by the whole experience. Thank you for bringing children’s theatre to KV, Lionel!

The children have been exploring loose parts play. This is when a range of materials are offered to the children which they use to create their own ideas. 

Buttons, rocks and glass stones have encouraged the children to practise their skills in sorting and counting as well as inspiring creativity.

New giant soft blocks have been added to our supply, and the imaginations have been busy at work creating houses, rockets, nuts and bolts, animal homes and giant towers.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.” Albert Einstein 

The Comedy Night is on 12 August! Get your tickets for this fabulous fund-raiser for the preschool. A night of hilarious entertainment with supper provided. (We apologise that the information in the July Voice had incorrect ticket pricing. The ticket prices were adjusted to include a light supper. The Voice had already gone to the printers before we could update the information.)

Jacinta Perry