Why we all need to respect the environment and listen to Indigenous wisdom 

The award-winning film Inferno Without Borders by Sandrine Charruyer is a thought-provoking and powerful film, exploring the underlying major issues with bush management and Australia’s part in contributing to global warming. 

Practised for over 60,000 years, cultural burning has been used by First Nations people to improve the health of Country and keep it in a productive state. 

For cultural burning to be effective, it’s vital to intricately know Country, foster a rich knowledge of the relationship between fire and healthy Country, and teach the younger generations to ensure this knowledge is passed down. 

Modern bushfire practices have taken precedence in recent times, with devastating effects, which the Shoalhaven region knows all too well after the Black Summer of 2019/2020. Australia has begun a return to the way this Country has always managed fire, with increasing awareness of the vital role Indigenous wisdom has in mitigating the effects of extreme bushfires. 

Inferno Without Borders will be shown at the Kangaroo Valley Hall on 7 July at 5.30pm The film will be presented by Yuin Elder jrumpinjinbah (Paul McLeod) and Fire Chief Paul Gleeson, followed by Q&A and community discussion. 

Entry fee will be by donation and you can pre-purchase tickets via visitakngaroovalley.com.au/film.

This screening is possible thanks to the kind donations from Shark Island Kangaroo Valley, Winderong Farm, Kangaroo Valley Chamber of Tourism & Commerce, Julie Ward and Lisa Anthony. Due to their kind support, there is no cost for viewing of the film. 

Donations will go towards the Ngungwulah Aboriginal Corporation, whose primary objective is to advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people’s culture within the Australian wellness community and beyond, to heal Country and all of us living on Country. Through respectful introduction of conversation, learning opportunities and communications they assist in integrating First Nations’ ways of being, doing and knowing. 

We understand that this film may be triggering for some viewers and will have support available on the night if required. Please contact Cate Peterson for all enquires 0419 609 991 ngungwulah.org.au. For more details and book  visitakngaroovalley.com.au/film.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival – Feature Documentary – 2022 Winner.

Festival Internacional Filmambiente de Rio de Janeiro – Feature Documentary – 2022 Winner.

Hosts and facilitators

Jrumpinjinbah (Paul Mcleod)

Anyone who meets Jrumpinjinbah knows what a privilege and a pleasure it is to connect with him. Jrumpinjinbah means ‘crow medicine’, and he has traveled the world sharing cultural stories, dance, music and art, carrying huge cultural responsibility for his people.

Every conversation is healing and Jrumpinjinbah loves bringing people back to their Indigenous roots. We all have our own story of connection to Country and our place of birth represents our clan and our story. We don’t own the land – we belong to it – and everything that you see is from the land.

As Jrumpinjinbah says, “Your human existence will only last for a short space of time, and from there you go back to the spiritual essence where everyone is equal. There is no ‘You’re greater than me or I’m greater than you’. You just are”. Jrumpinjinbah invites you to join him on Country to admire the beauty and pay homage to Mother Earth.

Paul Gleeson

Paul has spent his life exploring our lands and oceans, culminating in him being able to provide a continuing yaan with many layers sharing his fascinating experiences.

Paul has worked with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service as a Discovery Ranger since 2003, has been in the NSW Rural Fire Service for over 35 years, and was also a State Forest Fire Tower Operator from 2001 to 2020.

He has a strong knowledge base and insight into Culture and Country and how best to be an ally to Aboriginal communities in making sure organisations understand more about Culture here in Yuin Country.

Cate Peterson