16.5 C
Kangaroo Valley
Monday, March 31, 2025

Mobile Phone Update

Telstra have advised that their recent application...

Historical Happening

Kangaroo Valley Historical Society celebrates 70+ years Thank...

Community service at Salt Ministries

Every Thursday morning there’s a flurry of...

Ageism – The neglected discrimination

In July this year the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) published a report Changing perspectives: testing an ageism intervention. In her introduction, Dr Kay Patterson,...

Meet the neighbours: come and join Sculpture in the Valley’s amazing team of volunteers

Sculpture in the Valley exhibits each two years, with meaningful indoor and outdoor art displayed in a beautiful rural setting. Against a backdrop of...

Combatting slavery

On 1 August 1834, an Act of Parliament came into effect in the United Kingdom and the British Empire that abolished slavery. The idea...

Firey Tales

Captain’s message Last month provided challenging call-outs including separate vehicle and structure fires within two days of each other. Thankfully, there are few structure fires...

FIG’s 10th birthday

It all began in January 2013, with Carl Leddy and Larraine Hahlos inviting interested persons to a meeting at their art gallery to present...

Kangaroo Valley Public School

What do you want to be when you grow up? On the last day of Term 2, our KVPS students dressed up as what they...

Preschool News

The preschool booked a special treat for the children – a live stage show. Lionel Robinson presented his show, “Spotty Bear’s Amazing Journey.” The...

Historical Heist

The end of June disappointingly saw a break-in at the Kangaroo Valley Pioneer Village Museum with many unique and special objects stolen. All of...

Chris Willson 1954 – 2023

Sadly, Chris Willson lost his battle with melanoma and passed away on Monday 12 June 2023 at the age of 68. The service was...

Staying sharp as we age

Dr Ross Walker Many studies have been undertaken to help determine if there are any habits or actions we can undertake as we reach the...

Preschool News

One of our wonderful educators, Fiona Nelson, was presented with a special gift to commemorate over 10 years of service to Kangaroo Valley Preschool....

Disability and the Church

Disability is something that affects us all. It is estimated that over four million people in Australia live with some form of disability. Over...


Winter problems reduced our numbers for our June meeting and lunch. Nevertheless we enjoyed getting together and our lunch at the Friendly Inn. Our...

For Our Elders

Reconciliation Allies Kangaroo Valley (RAKV) are once again commemorating NAIDOC week, which takes place from 2-9 July, and we thank Kangaroo Valley Voice for...

NAIDOC Week Documentary Screening: Inferno Without Borders 

Why we all need to respect the environment and listen to Indigenous wisdom  The award-winning film Inferno Without Borders by Sandrine Charruyer is a thought-provoking...

News from KVPS

World Environment Day  On Monday 5 June we celebrated World Environment Day. The theme for this year was ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. In the library, we...

Firey Tales

Captains Message Another busy and varied month has seen the brigade called to four incidents: ambulance assistance, animal rescue, smoke sighting and trees alight, as...

Recognition for Lions

Lions recently had their changeover meal at Jing Jo’s. As usual the catering was magnificent. The club also took this as an opportunity to...

Reaching 60?

Many of us feel less than excited about getting older, but there are many benefits in reaching a point in your life where you...

Friends of the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallaby

Two positions vacant Brush-tailed Rock-wallabies were once common throughout Eastern Australia. Now they are endangered. The Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby are working to help pull...

