Preschool News

Sadly, our Comedy Night had to be cancelled. The Matildas were a bigger draw card that night! We congratulate them on their fantastic achievement in the World Cup. They are inspirational.

We would like to thank the kind members of our community who have come to the rescue of the preschool and organised a huge raffle to help us recoup the costs of the cancelled fund raiser.

Thank you Bekk McQueen for co ordinating this. Thanks also to the KV Folk Festival, The Friendly Inn, Arts in the Valley, Fleet Street Bottle Shop, and the Valley Table for your generous prize donations. Thanks also to everyone who bought tickets – we will publish the winners here next month as the raffle has not been drawn at the time of writing this.

Amber Muffet, a past student of Kangaroo Valley Preschool, is doing work experience here during Term 3. Welcome back to Preschool Amber!

Sorting and counting objects are fundamental skills required for mathematical understanding. The children have been practising these skills as they play with the materials the educators have provided for them. They can be seen making rainbows with coloured buttons as well as sorting the colourful farm animal toys. The number posters (which include Braille) have also been explored. The children are learning about the symbols and the quantity each numeral represents.

We have also been practising fundamental movement skills. These include jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping and side-sliding. Children’s skills in muscle strength and control begins with exercising the big muscles, making big co-ordinated movements. Then they progress to develop the smaller muscles, for example their fingers, which become more nimble and strong, ready for holding and manipulating tools like pencils and scissors. Galloping to the ‘William Tell Overture’, and skipping to ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’, then freezing when the music stops, have been popular pursuits!

The children were keen to make volcanoes in the sand pit during Science Week. We made the volcano erupt by mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar (with a bit of red food colouring added as well). This is what early learning in geology and chemistry looks like!

Jacinta Perry