Community updates

Here are a few updates on issues that the Kangaroo Valley Community Consultative Body has been working on, on your behalf.

Hampden Bridge cleaning

Transport for NSW have backtracked a little on the previous position where the bridge was going to be cleaned. Our bridge is covered by a Conservation Management Plan which states that cleaning should not be done to remove normal weathering. They have however committed to further investigation of what options are available for a ‘light’ clean. We will report back when more is known on this option.

Parking outside Kangaroo Valley Hall

Concerns were raised by a resident about the safety of exiting the hall carpark when cars are parked either side of the driveway. To increase the level of safety and visibility, Transport for NSW have installed ‘No Stopping’ signs for one car length either side of the driveway with yellow lines painted on the road. A ‘No Parking, Funeral Vehicles Excepted’ sign has also been installed to the west of the ‘No Stopping’ zone for a distance of two car lengths (to increase visibility in this direction). The ‘No Parking’ zone will allow for quick drop-offs of two minutes as long as the driver stays within three metres of the vehicle which will help facilitate activities during events (eg KV Show).

Parking near 154-156A Moss Vale Road (Valley Views)

There is a very short length of kerb between the villas’ and Wildes’ driveways. This is not a legal parking space as a vehicle cannot fit without encroaching on either or both of the driveway laybacks. The Valley Views Strata Committee has raised the safety issue of cars parking in this space with Transport for NSW. Transport for NSW have installed three ‘No Stopping’ signs to designate a 25 metre no stopping zone, including both driveways and the short ‘half park’ length between. Please remember this is not the loss of a parking space (as it is not a legal parking space), but will help make it safer for residents and visitors to exit the villas and Wildes’ driveway.

Moss Vale Road, Cambewarra Mountain

Transport for NSW have advised that a tender package is with their procurement section, to be put out to market. They are hopeful that work will recommence before Christmas. We are going to have to put up with the traffic lights for some time yet.

Council maintained roads

Work is progressing and information is flowing. Please refer to Council’s website for the latest information.

If you want to be added to the KVCCB mailing list, please send your details (including property address, contact number and email address) to and we will ensure you are added.

Please note that the September General Meeting has been cancelled due to a number of the committee members being unavailable. Our next General Meeting will be Tuesday 28 November at 6:30pm in the Kangaroo Valley Hall.

Al Lockyer