Kangaroo Valley Historical Society has been successful in receiving a grant to purchase a fantastic camera and a macro lens. This grant was received from the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, which has been very supportive of regional groups.
The purpose of the camera will not only be to photograph objects donated to the Historical Society, but the plan is to also photograph buildings, houses and special sites in Kangaroo Valley to make a mirror image of historical records taken in the early 1900s and earlier. This is so we have a record of past images and what these look like today, in our records, for future reference.
So if you see one of our volunteers taking photos around the Valley, you will have an idea of what they are doing. Maybe introduce yourself. If we are photographing a business or a house (front image only), we will certainly seek permission first. If you would like to put up your hand to have an historical record made of your home front or business, please contact me on chrismurphy1952@gmail.com. Thank you!
Christine Murphy