Show time in the valley, and with temperatures of 38º , a small field played the Stableford round on 18 February; congratulations to Ian Thomas, winning with a fantastic 41 points , followed by George Tarbey beating Gordon Thomson on a count back with 36 points.
Saturday 25 February was for our Stroke & Medal round; congratulations to Mike Ryan, winning the stroke and Medal round with a great 72, followed by Allan Harvey beating Charles Tarbey on a count back with 76.
Saturday 4 March was a Stableford competition with a great field of 22 competitors; congratulations to George Tarbey with 39 points, followed by Anthony Skallias ,a visitor from the SGA GC with 39 points, and Craig Riethmuller with 38 points.
In the Par round competition on Saturday 11 March. there were some great results by the Lady members,Tracey Basman winning with an outstanding + 6. followed by Suzanne Greer with a great +4 and Robbie McDonnell with +1.
Happy golfing everyone and until next time…
Allan Harvey
KVGC Captain