Kangaroo Valley Voice

Preschool News

You might have noticed the “Construction Site” sign on the preschool gate over the school holidays. The preschool identified some termite activity in the annex of the building. On investigation, some repair work was deemed to be required. Once the builders began the job, they discovered the damage was more extensive than first anticipated.

We would like to thank Pat Watson and his team from Watson Building and Construction for putting in enormous effort to have our building ready to open for the start of term 4. They have done a fantastic job.

Steps (Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening) visited our preschool and provided the opportunity for the children in their year before school to have their eyes checked. The children were very good at matching the shapes while wearing the groovy glasses!

Spring is here and the lizards have come out of Hibernation. We observed the blue-tongue lizard basking in the sun – then it walked right across the playground to be in the garden. The children also spotted another lizard creeping out from under the path to get some sun. We researched them on the internet. The blue-tongue lizard was matched to its photo and we discovered that the other lizard was a ‘common garden skink’. We are so lucky to share our playground with these lovely creatures.

Sensory play is always on the program at preschool. Children exercise their fingers, developing strength and dexterity as they explore materials such as sand, water and playdough. Sensory play also develops body and brain connections. The flour tub has been the place to be lately!

Enrolments are open for 2024. If you would like to enrol your child at the Preschool next year please contact us on 4465 1327 or preschoolkangaroovalley@gmail.com for further information.

Jacinta Perry

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