20.2 C
Kangaroo Valley
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Mobile Phone Update

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Firey Tales

Captain’s message

Dusty will have returned from assisting with the Canada fires, but not in time to submit his usual message. Thanks to our Senior Deputy Captain for providing an update.

Firstly, I’d like to publicly acknowledge all the work Dusty does behind the scenes to keep the brigade running as smoothly and happily as it does. I’d also like to thank the members who go above and beyond to maintain the high standard operationally and also with maintenance and training.

It’s great to see good numbers at training and turning out for incidents. We also had an impressive number of members put their hands up for multiple large hazard reductions, most of which have been postponed at this point. 

Important to note that the Bushfire Danger Period commences on 1 September. Please see Pile Burns and Burning Off section below if you are planning to burn.

At the time of writing this the pre-season briefing has not been finalised. This briefing provides a detailed fire forecast for our region for the coming season. For up-to-date information on this and useful links, please visit our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kvrfs.

That said, the long-term forecast is for hotter and drier conditions going into spring and summer. The last three fire seasons have been unusually quiet, and the expectation for the coming season is that this pattern will not continue.

The RFS messaging remains largely the same as previous years. There has been a change to the Fire Danger Rating System which it is well worth becoming familiar with. These changes may need to be considered when revising your existing Bushfire Plan. https://afdrs.com.au.

Residents are encouraged to:

  • Continue to Prepare their properties for the coming season.
  • Create, re-visit or revise their Bushfire Plans.
  • Join their local Bushfire Group.
  • Stay informed. Become familiar with the information, tools and resources available: https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au.

Please, if you have any questions come and say hi at our Get Ready Weekend Event.

Becoming a member

As hinted at above we have a great team here in Kangaroo Valley. We’re a pretty friendly bunch and we’re more than happy to pass on our skills and knowledge.

There is still an opportunity for you to join us going into this fire season. The brigade trains weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6pm. If this does not suit there is the possibility to train weekends with West Nowra. The Assessment is late October. We currently have two new members undergoing this training with the brigade and we would welcome more.

 As the first step, complete the application online at https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/volunteer/join-the-nsw-rfs. Call by the station on a Wednesday evening around 6pm or call Captain Dusty on 0412 865 638. We are always happy to chat to interested people about life in the brigade and RFS.

Senior Deputy Captain Dave

Incidents for the month

There were six Incidents for the previous month:

  • A single car Motor Vehicle Accident with persons trapped on Barrengarry Mountain. On arriving a vehicle was found to have had a significant impact with the concrete barrier and spun around blocking one lane, with the occupants having left the scene. The vehicle was removed from the road and made safe until it could be towed. Thanks to Robertson Brigade who assisted with traffic control and communications.
  • A report of smoke in the vicinity near the bottom of Cambewarra Mountain. A local landholder was conducting a small agricultural burn in paddocks adjacent to Moss Vale Road.  Appropriate notices had been submitted with signage placed in both directions on the main road and the burn was under the control of the landowner. Crews inspected the property and no action was required.
  • A repeat report of smoke in the vicinity near the bottom of Cambewarra Mountain. Crews again inspected the property and no action was required.
  • A single car Motor Vehicle Accident to the west of the village. A car rounding the intersection oversteered and rolled on to its roof down an embankment. Individual crew members responding to the callout and passing the accident between their homes and fire station stopped to give assistance. The occupants were assisted from the vehicle uninjured and left under the care of the paramedics in attendance. Shortly after, a crew returned with an appliance to put a foam blanket on spilled fuel to minimise any chance of fire and secure the scene. 
  • A report of smoke in the vicinity near the bottom of Barrengarry Mountain. Two appliances responded. After splitting the search area, a source was not identified and they returned to the station.
  • A report of wires down and arcing to the west of the village. On arrival on scene, the crew discovered that the 3-phase powerlines from a transformer to a new private pole had been ripped out, possibly by an over-height vehicle. The energy company were called and quickly repaired the lines with minimum disruption to traffic which was managed by the responding crew. 

Other operational involvement

Brigade crews remain committed to assisting with various Hazard Reductions (HRs) within the region, ensuring appropriate fire breaks are established and bush fire risk in high-risk areas reduced. 

Brigade news

Congratulations to Chrissy Boyce-Mortlock and Dennis Nickell who both received their 10-year long-service medals. The brigade and community thank both members for their dedication to the RFS and local community. Thanks to Anthony from Shoalhaven FCC for presenting the medals.

Community engagement

The brigade will hold a Get Ready Weekend event at the Kangaroo Valley Fire station, Broughton Street on Saturday, 16 September between 10am and 1pm. Please come down to discuss all things bush fire related.


Several members have qualified in Safe Working on Roofs, and other members are currently undertaking separate Advanced and Village Firefighting courses. We also have two new members who have recently joined us and have begun their BF Training. These qualifications enhance the brigade’s overall competencies.

Pile Burns and Burning Off

The 2023-2024 Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) begins on 1 September. The BFDP is expected to end 31 March 2024, but this date is subject to change depending on local weather and fire conditions. This is talking about this fire season in Shoalhaven rather than generically for every season everywhere. During the BFDP the following tasks are mandatory prior to lighting up:

  1. Obtain a Fire Permit from a local Fire Permit Officer via:
  1. phone: Shoalhaven FCC 4424 4424 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday, or  
  2. email: Shoalhaven FCC Shoal.Haven@rfs.nsw.gov.au; or the brigade kangaroovalleyrfb@gmail.com.
  1. You must notify the NSW RFS (not the local brigade) at least 24 hours before you light the fire and provide the issued fire permit number. Notification methods include:
  1. Online: www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/notify or via the QR code 
  2. Phone: Shoalhaven FCC 02 4424 4424 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday
  3. Email: Shoalhaven FCC Shoal.Haven@rfs.nsw.gov.au.
  1. You must advise your immediate neighbours at least 24 hours before you light the fire. Immediate neighbours include those where you are separated by a road or water course. 
  2. You must adhere to all the conditions listed on the fire permit, including at least one responsible person must be present on site until the pile is extinguished. 
  3. Check the upcoming weather conditions as the pile may continue to smoulder for days. 
  4. If you believe that you cannot safely control the fire once it has been lit, dial 000 immediately.

Consider notifying your local WhatsApp Neighbourhood Group and ask the coordinator to share any plans with other group coordinators if expected weather conditions mean smoke is likely to travel some distance. Smoke does not respect property boundaries. 

Where the brigade is assisting local community members with burns, the responsibility for notifications remains with the property owner, but the brigade will attempt to post Facebook updates about planned brigade activities if there is a significant volume of smoke expected. Changing weather conditions may mean brigade updates are provided with short notice.   

If you have concerns about burning off yourself, please contact the local brigade or Shoalhaven Fire Control and we can possibly assist you with your pile burn or check your site for you. 

Compiled by Gary Matthews



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