What do you want to be when you grow up?
On the last day of Term 2, our KVPS students dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. The day was filled with learning about people in our community who help us. Thank you Dave, Neil, Greg, Gayle, Dianne, Todd and Tabitha for visiting our school and talking about their roles and how they help people.
Here are some pictures to capture the day.
Book Week
We invite our parents and community members to line Moss Vale Road (in front of the shops) on Tuesday 22 August as our KVPS students will parade their costumes for Book Week. We aim to commence our parade at 9:30am.
Golf Day
We would like to acknowledge the generosity of everyone who was involved in the Golf Day, raising close to $15,000 to be equally shared between KVPS and Kangaroo Valley Preschool:
Kangaroo Valley Golf and Country Retreat
Tony & Suz Waters
Tim & Katie Amor
Shamrock Cleaning
Janine Sosa – Di Jones Real Estate
Raine & Horne Southern Highlands
Mt Broughton Golf Club
Global Shop Direct
Kangaroo Valley Outdoors
Kangaroo Valley Gym
Rosewood Farm
Kangaroo Valley Woodcrafts
The Friendly Inn
Kangaroo Valley Fine Wines & Craft Ales
Simon Shine
Tony Hargreaves
Bakers Delight
Nowra Fresh.
Thank you to all attendees for their generous auction items and money spent towards entry fees, raffle tickets and auction items.
A huge thank you to Brad, Tim and Linc for organising the day and everyone else who helped out prior to the day or on the day.
Our school and preschool are both very appreciative of the efforts that go into this major fundraiser.
Jennifer Arnott
Relieving Principal