We hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather and reading the Voice while snuggled up by the fire with a steaming cup of hot chocolate in hand! Or while enjoying the early morning sun filtered through the iconic mists of our beautiful Valley.

We love our Valley and our community, so we want to hear from you. You might notice our August issue includes two articles by our wild and talented copy editor, Tony Barnett – one a traveller’s tale and the other a book review. In Voices gone by, we have featured regular articles on both subjects and we would love to again. Or indeed on any other subject you may find interesting. If you have a story, long or short, or a photo you’d like to see appear in the Voice, do tell us about it! Send any contributions through to us at kvvoiceteam@gmail.com for your chance at fame, fortune and glory! (or to be printed in the next available edition of the Voice, whatever comes first).

Thank you so much everyone for reading this far and for your continued support of our little paper.

Paige Nutter (editor) and Juan (2IC)