Kangaroo Valley Voice

ADFAS Shoalhaven

May lecture

We had an outstanding lecture on 4 MayI Will Lift Mine Eyes: The cathedrals of Britain and their Norman connections by John Swainston. It covered an enormous period of human history from prehistoric times through to the modern era, explaining how civilisations have looked to the skies to find spiritual connections. The magnificent cathedrals of Britain and Europe had their genesis in simpler but not less evocative places.

John Swainston shared his vast knowledge in a concise and entertaining, and at times emotional, way. His rapport with the audience was palpable and his passion for his subject was beyond doubt. A highly regarded photographer, he included exceptional visuals throughout the lecture, culminating an achingly beautiful finale.

While we may not have lifted our eyes, he certainly lifted our spirits.

June Lecture

Silk Silver Opium by Michael Pembroke

Don’t miss our 29 June lecture, at 7.30pm, at Berry Uniting Church Hall, 71-77 Alfred Street, Berry. 

This lecture explores how silk, silver and opium were fundamental to imperial China. Silk brought the empires of China and Rome together during the Han dynasty. Silver gilded the Chinese world of the Ming dynasty and helped make China the cog running the wheel of the global economy during the 16th to 18th centuries. Opium, introduced by the British in ever increasing quantities from the early 19th century, helped bring about the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the end of empire. Michael Pembroke is a writer, historian and served as a Supreme Court judge from 2010 to 2020. He is the author of four books and has written for many worldwide publications. He has had two books short-listed for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards: Arthur Phillip-Sailor, Mercenary, Governor, Spy (2013) and Korea-Where the American Century Began (2018). His latest book is Play by the Rules (2020), published in the UK and USA as America in Retreat.

For more information on this lecture visit our website:


Maebehe Garcia

Publicity Officer

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