20.4 C
Kangaroo Valley
Monday, March 3, 2025

Mobile Phone Update

Telstra have advised that their recent application...

Historical Happening

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Captain’s message

This must be our quietest summer ever for fire calls, with only one incident over the last month. However, things are drying out elsewhere around the state, so maintain your awareness and vigilance in keeping up your fire prevention and mitigation around your property. This is also a reminder that the Fires Near Me app, that we all have on our phones for notifications and warnings for fires, has now changed to Hazards Near Me NSW, and needs to be updated. See below for details.

We have had several requests to provide assistance with specialised Remote Area Operators elsewhere, and Jamie was able to travel to Moree for a three-day stint with a composite RAFT (Remote Area Fire Team) from Shoalhaven, Northern Beaches and Lake George, mopping up after a bushfire, utilising helicopters to winch crews into remote terrain and for water bombing of hot spots.

Have you ever considered joining the RFS? ***Now is the Time***

Get together with your mates, friends, teenagers (16+), parents and learn skills for life. We’re not that fussy.

We have already started a training course for new members and plan on having three assessment dates during the year in April, July and October for BF (Bush Fire) training courses. Complete the application online at https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/volunteer/join-the-nsw-rfs. I am always happy to have a chat to newly interested members, so call by the station on a Wednesday evening around 6.00PM or call me on 0412 865 638

Captain Dusty Smart

Hazards Near Me NSW 

Residents in Kangaroo Valley and surrounds have been served well over periods of high fire danger by the “Fires Near Me” app. From February 2023, when you log into the existing app, you should be prompted to update to the new “Hazards Near Me” app, replacing the previous fire only focused service.

As part of the updated app, your phone will not only keep you informed about fires and hazard reduction activities that are in your area, but also other warnings including floods, with information on what to do.

If the app does not automatically update, or you are yet to load this useful tool, go to either the Apple App Store, or Google Play store for Android. This update also allows the user to setup a Watch Zone to better target important information base on location.

Further information is available from https://www.nsw.gov.au/emergency/hazards-near-me-app.

Greg Murphy 

Incident callouts

18 Jan – Trees Down

There were two calls in one night to trees down while members were at the station on a training night. 

The first was reported at the bottom of Berry Mountain and the second reported at the corner of Mt Scanzi Road, which we were both quickly dealt with by Chainsaw crew.

1 Feb – Farm Machinery Fire in Avoca

The Kangaroo Valley 1 truck responded to this out-of-area callout to Avoca to assist with the fire. The crew were out on their usual Wednesday night training exercises; therefore, the response time was immediate. However, en route the crew were no longer required and were stood down.

Brigade activities

6 Feb HR at Cudmirrah 

KV Member Jamie Salkeld assisted with a hazard reduction in Group 3 near Cudmirrah. This HR Burn was the first in the Shoalhaven for a considerable time, due to rainfall and unfavourable conditions. A successful burn was achieved with Brigades from Group 1, 2 and 3 attending. 

31 Jan RAFT Team (Remote Area Fire Team)

KV RAFT member Jamie Salkeld attended a call out to Bingara near Moree/Narrabri to assist with controlling a bushfire caused by lightning strike in remote steep terrain in the state’s northern tablelands. Remote area teams from Northern Beaches, Shoalhaven and Lake George were able to control the fire with assistance from helicopters and local support.

This was another potentially large bushfire that was averted due to early intervention. One of the reasons RAFT is supported so strongly by the service is that members are able to work in steep hazardous conditions to prevent the spread of fire. 

Fire Permits are required and the Bush Fire Danger Period

The Bush Fire Danger Period starts in the Shoalhaven on 1 September each year and continues through until the 31 March the following year.

Applying for a Fire Permit in Rural Fire District

  1. Contact your local Rural Fire Service Permit Officer. Please leave a message if no answer for a return call:
  • Dave Alexander 0400 022 405 
  • Dusty Smart 0412 865 638
  • Gary Matthews 0418 425 338
  • Neil Breeze 0439 065 128
  • Jamie Salkeld 0412 424 069

Group Email address: kangaroovalleyrfb@gmail.com.

  1. Arrange a time for the Permit Issuing Officer to attend your property to issue a Permit.
  2. Once the Permit has been issued, you must notify the NSW RFS and adjoining neighbours at least 24 hours prior to the fire being lit.

The key things to remember

There is no cost in obtaining a Fire Permit, but you need to plan ahead as it may not be possible for a Permit Issuing Officer to inspect and/or issue your Fire Permit immediately.

There are heavy penalties if you don’t follow restrictions or rules.

At least one RESPONSIBLE person must be on site at the property location to monitor the fire until extinguished.

Compiled by Tracey Basman



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