Kangaroo Valley Voice

Valley Generosity

I have a story of kindness which I would like to share with you.

Last Saturday I was camping at Coolana, the Sydney Bush Walkers’ property on the Tallowa Dam Road.  About four o’clock, I realised I had forgotten to bring my sleeping bag.  I drove into town, hoping to find something to keep me warm.  It didn’t look good – almost everyone had closed up for the day.  But the general store was still open; Paula Sellar was there.

There was nothing in the store that would be much of a substitute for a sleeping bag, but when I explained my predicament to Paula, she offered to lend me hers.  I was taken aback but such generosity to a total stranger.  I accepted, hardly believing my luck.  After she closed up the shop at five o’clock, Paula drove off, got the sleeping bag, and brought it back to me.

It was cold that night.  Without the sleeping bag, I could not have slept a wink.  But thanks to Paula, I did sleep, and was refreshed enough to lead a walk up Mt Moollattoo on Sunday.  

I won’t forget the kind deed that saved my weekend from disaster.  I will remember the spirit of Kangaroo Valley hospitality, evidenced in Paula’s good deed.  She gets the credit, but maybe the whole community deserves praise for such kind treatment of a visitor in trouble.


Yours, Leigh McClintock

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