Kangaroo Valley Voice

Photographic exhibition in August

Photographic exhibition in August

If you are looking for an outing in early August, you might like to come to my photographic exhibition at the Prescott Gallery (105 Glenmurray Rd, Kangaroo Valley), open from 5 to7 August.

Readers of the Valley Voice may have seen my photographs and read the articles I wrote last year. This time my exhibition has the theme of ‘Trees’. Most of us who live in this place have a soft spot for trees. Indeed the expression ‘tree changers’ is an apt description of many people who have chosen the Valley as their home.

I am honoured that David and Sue Prescott had the confidence in me to encourage an exhibition in their gallery. This is my first solo exhibition and it is a scary prospect to put myself ‘out there’ and say ‘look at me’. However, as I went through my favourite photographs I became aware of just how much trees feature in my life and enjoyment – planting them as well as photographing them.

For all that, the exhibition has quite a bit of variety, featuring local trees as well as in contexts around Australia. There are burnt trees, bare and autumn trees, a bird nest, flowering trees, trees beside waterfalls, and birds. Most images are colour but one wall features monochrome images in sepia.

Anyone is welcome to the launch on Friday evening (4-6pm). Launches are always fun with bubbles and nibbles, but rug up warm. And please, if you wish to attend the launch, could you RSVP so we have an idea of numbers – text me on 0402 223 003.

However if you don’t want to come to the launch, and choose to come over the weekend (Saturday 10am-4pm, Sunday 10am-2.30pm), I am prepared to do editions of up to five prints, so you won’t miss out if someone has already purchased an image you do wish to purchase. We will also greet you with coffee or tea.

Sue Williamson


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